Sunday, March 8, 2009

blog 2

I inadvertently posted the first blog when I was making a correction to the spelling of a word. I shall try to avoid that in the future. Now to my life from day one.

I was born in the city known at the time as the whaling capital of the world. It was the year that the stock market crashed, hopefully not as a result of my birth. Two months after I was born my parents and the rest of our family moved to a city about 25 miles away that has a Green in the center of town that has a number of monuments commemorating different wars.
The first house, apartment(tenement) that we lived in was across the street from the catholic church. I have been told that as a very young boy (ie) prior to attending primary school, that whenever my mother couldn't find me when she sent me outside to play that I would be across the street in the church. I have no idea why! There is not much more that I remember of that early period of my life except that when I was in the first grade I had a friend who lived in the house directly behind ours. His family had chickens. I would go to his house so we could walk to school together and his mother would always insist that I sit down and have breakfast even though I had just finished breakfast at home. I must have looked emaciated but it was not from lack of food. I do remember that on one occasion that I got served a soft boiled egg that was practically raw. I believe I passed on eating that morning.
At some point while I was in primary school we moved to a 3 tenement house on the same street as the school I attended. A 5 minute walk and I was there. I do have a picture of our second grade class and when I find it I will add it to this particular blog. You will see why my friends mother kept trying to get me to eat. That is it for now.

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